Talk to Instructors

Communicate Your Needs

It is the student's responsibility to discuss their approved accommodation with each instructor. Students should make an appointment to see each instructor during the instructor's available office hours. Students may meet with his/her instructor in the classroom before or after class to set up the appointment.


  1. Be on time for the appointment.
  2. Be calm and courteous, and do not interrupt.
  3. State that you have a disability and present Student Special Services card.
  4. Discuss the accommodations your professional has recommended.
  5. Explain your affiliation with the Office of Student Special Services.
  6. Have suggestions about what the instructor can do to ensure your classroom success.
  7. If appropriate, make the instructor aware of your past successes.
  8. Discuss specific details about how tests and quizzes may be handled.
  9. Make it clear that you are a serious, motivated student who will succeed in class if reasonable accommodations are made for a specific problem you have in a specific area.
  10. Make it clear that you are not trying to complete the class with the least possible effort.
  11. If necessary, engage the instructor in a problem-solving process with you when there are not obvious solutions to the problem.


  • Quote Sections 504 or Public Law
  • Dictate policy
  • Get angry
  • Request unreasonable adjustments
  • Make demands for large amounts of the instructor's time

The Office of Student Special Services offers many important services to students with disabilities. Eligibility for these services is determined individually based on documentation of need. Prospective students are encouraged to meet with the Office of Student Special Services in order to learn about services available and the types of accommodations they might expect. Reasonable accommodations depend upon the nature and degree of severity of the documented disability.

While the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that priority consideration be given to the specific methods requested by the student, it does not imply that a particular accommodation must be granted if it is deemed not reasonable and other suitable techniques are available.

Please contact the Office of Student Special Services with concerns.


Accommodations and services may include:

  • academic accommodations and counseling
  • priority registration and scheduling
  • alternative testing
  • recorded text
  • auxiliary aids and services
  • note takers
  • laboratory assistants
  • readers and/or scribes
  • sign language/oral interpreters
  • assistive listening devices
  • assistive technology
  • alternative formats for printed materials
  • residential accommodations
  • referral and liaison services to agencies such as Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, and Learning Ally information and referral source to all University programs and services.


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